Phone: 00 387 36 550 750
Fax: 00 387 36 552 081
E-mail: info@mcpavarotti.com
Adress: Marsala Tita 179
88000 Mostar
Bosnia and Herezegovina
Phone: 00 387 36 550 750
Fax: 00 387 36 552 081
E-mail: info@mcpavarotti.com
Adress: Marsala Tita 179
88000 Mostar
Bosnia and Herezegovina
The Pavarotti Music Centre (PMC) was set up at the old building of Elementary School in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 21st of December 1997, on initiative of the charity War Child UK, generously supported by Luciano Pavarotti, Brian Eno, members of U2 and many other celebrities. Their idea was to set up a music centre in postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to bring relief to the people of BH, especially to youngsters.
Primary goals of the PMC were:
- to bring clinical music therapy as a new approach to traumatized children and young people of B&H, especially in Mostar area (statistically the largest number of war traumatized children and young people were in Mostar) and was realized by setting up first clinical music therapy department in the Pavarotti Music Centre.
- to offer the PMC facilities to other organizations, institutions and individuals; to develop and establish relationships and cooperation with other cultural, youth, educational and social organizations locally and abroad